Project description
You are likely visiting this website because you are interested in Soviet firearms history and you want to find answers to some questions. The main goal of this website is to provide accurate, confirmed information, based on sources and documents from the Russian military archives.
One of the main areas of focus will be the history of Soviet firearms - model 1891/1930 rifles, model 1938 and model 1944 carbines, Tokarev SVT-38 and SVT-40 rifles, m1895 revolvers, and PPSH-41 and PPS-43 SMGs. These were the most mass-produced and are the most discussed Soviet firearms among collectors these days.
Their history is very voluminous, and currently little explored. This subject will require extensive research and will bring many surprises. This website will also cover other Soviet firearms, in detail that depends on the amount of the archive documents that will be available to the author. This amount of archival documents is huge - so far tens of thousands of archive pages have been researched, the information found there is being prepared for publication.
The website will have two main sections, one with static content, that will provide reference information (the main part of which will be the Soviet M91/30 section), the other will be a Patreon blog that will be available to subscribers.
The proceeds of the small cost of subscription will go towards conducting further archival research, which are quite expensive for a single person. Crowdfunding will allow for the possibility to pull currently undiscovered, dust covered archival documents with valuable information. That information will be analyzed, excerpts will be provided to the subscribers.
Previously access to such information was unavailable to the majority of people, but now you have possibility to familiarize yourself with and learn new facts about Soviet firearms production history, which are based on primary sources.
Details about subscription are provided in the Patreon blog , details about project author - in "Contacts/About" section.
November 11, 2021
October 27, 2021
October 13, 2021
The Gurevich “soundless” revolver.
In the same period an effort was made to create a new weapon model, with a new cartridge design, which in theory would have much better performance than a reworked design. However, the main element of this was a special cartridge, which functioned differently from a standard one... Read more
September 28, 2021
September 14, 2021
September 3, 2021
Reference area
Reference area provides interesting information about different Soviet firearms and devices, their markings, variations and manufacturers. At the current moment only some sections are finished, but later reference area will be updated with information about other firearms.
You already can find interesting articles on the M91/30 rifles and M38/M44 carbines subject, also about Tokarev SVT-40 rifles, PPS SMG's, some military optics devices.